This one is more of a life hack. If you travel all the time with expensive equipment and want to ensure nothing is stolen or broken by the TSA buy a starting pistol. You know, the ones that are fired directly in the air to signify the start of a race. Track and field events use them all the time. They can be obtained for cheap and don’t require any background checks or paperwork however they are classified by the airlines as a firearm. That may sound scary, but in reality we can use the airline’s rule in our favor. Once you have the starter pistol throw it into your luggage. It doesn’t matter if your luggage contents consist of expensive camera equipment, a microscope or a delicate drone.
Once you check your bag in, declare the firearm with the clerk. A special inspector trained in firearms will check it out and verify the gun is safe. Then they will mark your case appropriately so no other TSA agents will be allowed in after that point. You will then be instructed to lock the case. At that point throw any lock on it. The lock doesn’t even have to be TSA approved. Any lock will do. In fact use a heavy duty non TSA Masterlock if possible which will make your luggage that much more secure.
So there you have it. Protect anything you have of value from the TSA when flying by purchasing a starting pistol. Please note: Airlines require your firearm to be in a hard-sided container so don’t try this trick with your soft sided luggage.